ARCH by HomeScreen launches Tenant Stability Video Series

In 2024, we are pursuing a new initiative to create more support tenants approved through the ARCH by HomeScreen program. ARCH: At-risk Renters’ Connection to Housing is a part of HomeScreen that helps renters currently or at risk of homelessness connect with landlords open to renting to applicants with barriers. We were happy to announce that we housed our 100th household earlier this year, but we also set a goal for 2024 to provide more support to applicants after they are approved for tenancy. We plan to report that 70% of ARCH applicants approved in 2024 successfully complete the terms of their first lease.

We will reach this goal by providing ongoing support for the renter, caseworker, and landlords who approve ARCH applicants, including assistance finding financial assistance if the tenant falls behind in rent or helping mediate other issues if they come up. In addition, we are creating an animated video series that renters can refer to on their own time throughout their tenancy to help answer common questions.

We polled our 400+ nonprofit users to find the most common challenges or questions when their clients move into housing. We also tapped Kristan Nickles, the Tower Grove CDC Asset Manager, and a few national platforms and created a list of about 14 videos. We are happy to announce that the first two videos “Understanding Your Lease” and “Simple Maintenance” are now available on the ARCH by HomeScreen website.

We look forward to continuing to add videos to the website throughout the year and spreading this free resource to renters via the ARCH program.

Ella Gross