Cortex II Could Positively Impact Shaw And Surrounding Neighborhoods
As reported by Nextstl, the next phase of the Cortex development (Cortex II) will transform and enhance a long neglected industrial area bordered by Newstead to the west, hwy 40 to the south, Sarah to the east and Forest Park to the north. The new improvements include 3 renovations of historic buildings, the largest being 180,000 sq. ft., a new metro link station, landscaping, streetscapes, an event space and a new ramp at Tower Grove and hwy 40. Please follow the link to the story In my opinion, these efforts to improve the area will bring more jobs and create a critical mass in an area with little use today. The new ramp at Tower Grove will provide easier access to all the neighborhoods around the development including Shaw. Further, BJC alone employs over 25,000 people and I believe a certain % will continue to look for a safe urban living experience that the Shaw Neighborhood provides. Affordability, livability and walk-ability are the hallmarks for our neighborhood. I think it will conitune to be an attractive option.
Logic would dictate the efforts of the groups involved with Cortex will help Forest Park SouthEast continue to evolve from a once forgotten neighborhood to a commercial destination to a thriving neighborhood and that the expansion will fill the currently underutilized pockets (i.e. south of Manchester/west tower grove)and move to Botanical Heights and Shaw. Connecting all these neighborhoods will bring us together as a community and provide a better living experience for all. I look forward to the Cortex II ground breaking.