Fall For Shaw House Tour SUNDAY OCT 2, 2011 12pm to 4pm
FALL FOR SHAW OPEN HOUSE TOURThe Annual Fall For Shaw House Tour is schedule for Sunday October 2, 2011 from 12pm to 4pm.
The tour will feature for sale and for rent properties. There are over 20 properties on tour this year. It will give interested parties the opportunity to walk/bike/drive the streets of our neighborhood and see some of the available properties. We plan to showcase several customizable homes which are for sale and in need of renovation. The tour starts in front of the Thurman Grill located at 4069 Shenandoah Ave. SNHC looks forward to seeing you there!
If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact Sean Spencer at 314-583-9436 or seanspencersnhc@att.net.