Tuesday, 4/17, Landlord Training, Buying LRA and Sheriff Tax Sale Property at the O’Fallon Park YMCA
AAt this Landlord Training, you will hear from the city’s Real Estate Director, Laura Costello, about buying property from the city’s land bank, referred to as LRA. Sheriff Vernon Betts will discuss their role in city land tax sales, and Real Estate Attorney, Dale Sweet, will share specifics about acquiring city tax sale property. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/landlord-training-buying-lra-and-sheriffs-tax-sale-property-tickets-44582447300
Directions to the venue: https://tinyurl.com/y7l5gzb9
Bonus Event: 10am-12pm, Sat. April 21 Urban Opportunities Fair and Tour in the Vandeventer Neighborhood. View available LRA lots and buildings on a narrated bus tour, or take a self-guided tour by car, bike, or on foot. Register for the Urban Opportunities fair here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/urban-opportunities-fair-tour-in-the-vandeventer-neighborhood-tickets-44068464965
The 2018 Landlord Training is a Northside-Southside Collaboration between North Newstead Association and Tower Grove Neighborhoods CDC. This FREE training is open to all landlords, property managers, developers, and interested parties. This facility is ADA compliant. If you need special accommodations, please contact dana@towergrovecdc.org
This activity is funded by a HUD Community Development Block Grant via the St. Louis Community Development Administration and coordinated by Tower Grove Neighborhoods CDC and North Newstead Association.
Tenant Screening service is available for all areas! Visit MyHomeScreen.org or call 314-865-5530.